Happy Easter wishes

Happy Easter wishes (170) :  Easter Bunny (6)  
May the angels protect you, May the sadness forget you, May goodness surround you, And may Lord Jesus Christ always bless you, Happy Easter to you and your family!
May the Lord's face shine upon you this Easter. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
May the returning back of Jesus Christ bring inner peace and satisfaction to your heart. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
May the risen Christ bring happiness to you and your family all year round. Wishing you and all your loved ones a very Happy Easter.
May the risen Christ bring you and your family abundant happiness. Have a blessed Easter.
May the risen Lord bless you abundantly and bring lots of happiness to you and your family. Happy Easter.
May the spirit of hope that Easter brings, Help you find contentment in little things, And restore your faith in the Lord above, Who gave His life for the ones He loves. Happy Easter to you and your family!
May this year’s Easter bring you new faith, new hope and new goals! Have a wonderful Easter!
May you and your family be blessed with countless blessings from the Lord. May your life be transformed magically into something beautiful and magical. Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.

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Digital Happy Easter cards 208Digital Happy Easter cards 210Digital Happy Easter cards 182Digital Happy Easter cards 198
May you be renewed and strengthened in the promise of our Lord. Happy Easter to you and your family!
May you feel love and happiness during this holiday. Have a wonderful Easter!
May your Easter be filled with bright feelings and may your heart be filled with the joy of the holiday.
New life is what Easter is all about. I’m wishing you a beautiful new life made possible by the amazing gift of the Easter story.
On Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ promises us never to leave our side and to love us this way forever. Let us place all our hope and trust in him. Have a Joyous Easter.
Our dear Jesus gave us the best gift anyone could ever give us, the gift of life. Have a Happy Easter.
Our Lord said, 'Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you.' Such is the love of the Lord. Let us place all our trust in him. Have a Peaceful and Hopeful Easter.
Praise God for He loves us so much! Thank Jesus for living among us. Be worthy of the life we have been given. Celebrate Easter with joy!

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Rejoice and be glad, for the promise of Jesus Christ has been fulfilled. Our Savior has risen from the dead. Happy Easter to one and all.
Rejoice and sing praises to God. For Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, just how he had promised. Here's wishing a very happy Easter to you and your family. May your hearts be filled perpetually with compassion, hope and love.
Spread the warmth and joy in your hearts to all those you meet. Rejoice for the Lord has risen from the dead. Happy Easter to you and your family.