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Somewhere there waited in this world of ours
for one lone soul another lonely soul
each choosing each through all the weary hours
and meeting strangely at one sudden goal.
Then blend they, like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole;
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day.
Like the sweetly budding rose,
Freshened by the gentle rain
Like the Evening Star that glows,
Brightest of the starry train
Like a well arranged Bouquet,
Where the fairest flowers combine,
Odours rich and colors gay,
Is my own Sweet Valentine
I love you more than you know,
please never leave me and go.
I want to spend every moment with you,
and you know you want it too.
My gift to you is my love
Given from deep within my heart
It is the best I have to offer
And its yours until death do us apart
I'm with you for long time,
your words makes me feel shine,
your sweetest word with me,
like you are always with me.
Sit for a minute and hold my hand.
Let's dig our feet into the sand.
Listen to the waves crash on the shore.
Let's want a little and then yearn for more
love can be good love can be bad
we all want something we never had
is there a soul mate out there for me
that special person one day we will see
If you ask me how long will I love you,
I just have one thing to say,
past present and future,
and each and every day.
I know someday I will find
that soul mate who is loving and kind
I know you are out there waiting for me
You are in my thoughts, you are in my dreams
If tomorrow holds my promise,
it will be to forever look into your eyes,
And be with you forever,
in a land with no good-byes.