Birthday wishes

Let each wrinkle and gray hair tell you how far you've come. Happy Birthday Bro!
You are only as old as you feel… Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday.
Only for you. Wishing a beautiful person …… a beautiful day.
Having a friend, a partner, and a boyfriend in one! How fortunate can I get? Happy Birthday, my love!
When your mother was pregnant we asked God to give us a son who grows up to become hard working, honest and successful. You are living proof that God does answer prayers. You have made us the proudest parents in the world!
Have an ecstatic anniversary of the date you emerged victoriously from the womb.
You are only as old as you look – Here, use these glasses. Happy Birthday.
Our anniversary and your birthday falling on the same day doubles my joy. Happy Birthday.
Thank you for all of your love, care, and attention over the years we've been together. That is something I will always be grateful for. I adore you, and I wish you a very happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday Cards by email 141Happy Birthday Cards by email 355Happy Birthday Cards by email 389Happy Birthday Cards by email 345
It's your day! Time to celebrate and enjoy your day!
Think of all your favorite things; now go and enjoy them on your special day.
You are only young once – if you tell the truth about your age! Happy Birthday.
Our life is like a flower our love is the honey… Happy birthday sweety!
All I want for you is to be happy, and I hope you achieve all of your heart's desires. Birthday greetings to the best boyfriend!
Today is your special day, my little guy. Have a wonderful birthday!
May today be the beginning of a life so good that I'm jealous of you forever.
You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Happy Birthday.

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Rise and shine sunshine. It’s your birthday and its party time!
Happy birthday, my love, may you get everything you want and more. Have a wonderful day!
You are the only reason we smile in everyday life, you are the love of our lives.