Birthday wishes

It takes a long time to become as young as you are. Happy Birthday.
I hope every candle you blow out will be a wish come true on your special day, papa.
Sending you countless wishes to make your birthday memorable.
I am a lonely fish swimming in the see of your love, birth through you and survive between your storm waves. I am a lonely fish and scared of the day a net will come between us and take me away.
May you live to be old and toothless.
It was great day when you were born, but it is a great day to be alive. So live. Happy Birthday.
No matter how tall I have grown, I will always look up to you.
 Today is the day without which I wouldn’t have my birthday. Tons of Love!
I am so glad that I can share this special day with my favourite person.

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Happy Birthday Cards by email 229Happy Birthday Cards by email 417Happy Birthday Cards by email 223Happy Birthday Cards by email 405
Men age like wine, women age like cheese.
You've made me smile again, you've filled my life with peaceful dreams, and you've become my closest friend. Happy birthday!
It’s not my fault for forgetting your Birthday, it’s just my memory that weakens year after year. I think you know what I’m talking about.
You always helped me chase my dreams, now it's time you chase yours.
What a wonderful day it is, since it’s your birthday
I love you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow.
My birthday gift to you is the call to the fire department when you blow out your candles. You're welcome!
It’s ok you can light up all your candles now? we all have a glass of water in our hands.

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You may be old, but you aren't dead yet. Here is to wishing you many more candles!
 Let’s cherish the day when life gave me a friend.
I love your eyes, I love the way you kiss, the fact that you are always there and the way that you love me, there are so many things that I love about you, there are no words enough in the world to express it better than I love you.